Similar words: construction worker, construction, reconstruction, constructional, deconstruction, misconstruction, constructionist, construction industry.
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1. Heavy snow hindered construction work.
2. The construction work began in May of last year.
3. All the construction work was carried out in 2001.
4. How did the construction work bog down?
5. The starting date for the construction work is June 23rd.
6. He's doing construction work these days.
7. Construction work fell behind schedule.
8. When the Ashleys needed help with construction work he could borrow farm tractors for them.
9. Inspectors generally specialize in one particular type of construction work or construction trade, such as electrical work or plumbing.
9. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
10. Q: But it's true that there is construction work in progress at this very moment.
11. It took several months to obtain approval and construction work started only in August 1984.
12. Mr. Michael J. Martin Naval construction work of this type will obviously lead to work for subcontractors.
13. The road construction work is in progress.
14. This . paper presents layout of construction work which disposes flyash in steam power plant, method of experimental research and main experience of construction teChnique of hydraulic fill dam.
15. From about 1650 on, construction work resumes, and secular and ecclesiastical architecture are of equal importance.
16. In the construction work pattern, revolves the student to study physics is throughout in order to raise solves the question ability, practice analysis ability launches.
17. We can ponder over the ways and means for raising funds before the construction work starts.
18. Would you believe our biggest grouse in the sixties was about the noise of construction work?
19. Bechtel will manage much of the project but not engage in any construction work.
20. But a two-story Victorian house already has been moved, to allow the excavations and eventual construction work.
21. But it would be a mistake to think that construction work began and ended in New York.
22. However, Richard Williams and his team achieved notable success in survey support services to major pipeline construction work in the Gulf.
23. Back in the United States he supported himself by doing construction work while trying to publish short stories and novels.
24. These local planning authorities must give planning permission before construction work can begin on these roads.
25. Once the required level of consolidation is reached the surcharge material will be removed to allow the construction work to begin.
26. This often requires a large amount of architectural design and construction work.
27. Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse are seen during a ceremony marking the start of construction work on the Shanghai Disneyland Friday.
28. Will you be so kind as to institute enquiries concerning this non-delivery as our construction work is being seriously delayed?
29. The mould net resolved anti-corrosion problems occurred in hinge joint process and reduced the need for reinforcement during construction work, and improved evenness of mould net.
30. This text on reconnoitre the existing problem to analyse in civil construction work geology.
More similar words: construction worker, construction, reconstruction, constructional, deconstruction, misconstruction, constructionist, construction industry, construction paper, road construction, reconstruction period, instructions, constructive, constructing, constructible, constructively, reconstructive, constructivism, instruction, instructional, construct, instruction cycle, instruction manual, constructor, reconstruct, deconstruct, reconstructed, unreconstructed, destruction, obstruction.